Thursday, May 22, 2003

Dredging up old news today that I hadn't seen. Some of these links may expire, so click 'em while you have the chance. Let's start with this Allentown newspaper column on Daddy Day Care. It makes the elegant point that Eddie Murphy ain't some self-hating Michael Keaton from Mr. Mom before the column spinning off to a bizarre ending that sounds only half-sarcastic.

On the same subject this piece in the San Jose Mercury News also gives Daddy Day Care props for the way the characters "actually try to get into kids' squirrelly little brains and figure out how to stimulate them." All press may be good press for Rebel Dads, but this is *really* good press.

A final note: I mentioned two days ago that O mag had nailed a mini-scoop, revealing that the Census Bureau was getting ready to tabulate the number of at-home dads in the U.S. Rebel Dad called today and found that though there was some optimism around the time the O reporter spoke to the Census folks, the project is now -- again -- on hold. As regulars know, I'm somewhat obsessed with the numbers of at-home fathers in this country and quite perturbed that there's no one officially interested in answering the question.


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