I read all the way through the new Parenting, and my blood pressure remained completely steady. While the usual frustrations (the beauty section, the "Mom-Tested Tips," etc.) remained in place, the tone was less aggravatingly mom-directly than it's been over the last few months. And for those who managed to make it to page 151, there was a well-reported, thoughful piece on how men are balancing work and family better nowadays. The mag played the story straight, hit some important points and generally argued that having dad around more was both a) very very good and b) very doable. Let's hope it's a trend that catches on.
Because I touched about on the usual frustrations, I'd like to propose a Rebel Dad challenge: I want to see if we can get as many dad names into future "Mom-Tested Tips" as possible. The magazine has a number of e-mail addresses you can use, or surf over to the mag's "community" page and enter your thought there. Rebel Dad-reading fathers who get their name into print win beer. Get quoted directly under a "Mom-Tested!" heading and I'll make sure it's good beer. Sound fair? E-mail me with any questions about this endeavor.
Because I touched about on the usual frustrations, I'd like to propose a Rebel Dad challenge: I want to see if we can get as many dad names into future "Mom-Tested Tips" as possible. The magazine has a number of e-mail addresses you can use, or surf over to the mag's "community" page and enter your thought there. Rebel Dad-reading fathers who get their name into print win beer. Get quoted directly under a "Mom-Tested!" heading and I'll make sure it's good beer. Sound fair? E-mail me with any questions about this endeavor.
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