Tuesday, March 02, 2004

As I've mentioned before, at-home parenthood isn't a panacea for all that ails families. It's an expensive choice and often an ambition-shrinking, career-limiting one. I can't hold anyone's decision to work against them. But let's face a fact: in general, Americans work too much. That leads to all sorts of uncomfortable consequences, including -- obviously -- limiting family time.

So I'd like to heartily endorse the idea of "Take Back Your Time Day" (Oct. 24), when Americans shift their priorities away from the office. The group has an agenda that's not so different from the one that we like to drone on about at parties -- paid leave, a minimum level of vacation time, some more holidays (like Election Day ... and Take Back Your Time Day).

(Thanks to an anonymous poster at the M.O.T.H.E.R. forums for the head's up.)


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