Thursday, November 04, 2004

Some convention updates and other assorted items about the at-home dad community at large: for starters, the plane tickets have been purchased. I'll be getting into O'Hare a bit after 5 p.m. on Friday. I plan to hit the Kyle Pruett speech at Oakton before heading downtown for the festivities. And I'll be staying through Sunday morning before rushing back home. If you're headed in and need a ride, let me know. I've got a rental.

Not surprisingly, I'll be decked out in Rebel Dad gear, so I'll be easy to spot. If you're looking for some gear of your own, keep in mind that shipping takes about a week.

Finally, a longtime poster on the "dads-at-home" group on Yahoo!Groups asked "where are the new AHD's?" last month. It's a good question. It seems that the number of at-home dads on the net is growing, based simply on and dad blogs. Are those forums replacing the e-mail listservs? The Yahoo! dads-at-home group is one of the largest and tightest-knit online dad groups I've found, but it is dominated by a core of posters who know one another (mostly from the convention), and I wonder if that has kept people away. So I'm interested in hearing from some readers here to know which -- if any -- online dads groups they frequent, and why. (I know Russ has a list on his site, but I'm curious who is drawn to which groups.)


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