Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I have been worried that in order to accurately continue blogging about the new NBC reality show "Meet Mister Mom," I would actually have to, y'know, watch it. But the first round of reviews for the show, which begins tonight, suggests that this is not some sort of hidden gem that I should feel duty-bound to treat fairly.

A column in the Louisville Courier-Journal probably gets to the point fastest. The headline: Stereotypical 'Mister Mom' Suffers from Stupidity. The rest of it is hysterial. Worth the read.

The Hollywood Reporter notes that NBC "seems to take its cue from 1958" and notes that even the reality has been squeezed out of the program, making it into something of a domestic game show. And USA Today asks "Wasn't this plot already old when I Love Lucy used it?"

The Toledo Blade takes a page from the blogosphere and notes that "the whole premise behind this show is dated. The producers must think that raising children is a terrible and fearsome task." (The Blade says that the dads do a pretty good job, too.)

The real news is that the show's scheduled debut has made hardly a splash in the media. I think it's safe to call Meet Mister Mom a bust, which fills me with a great deal of relief.


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