Monday, December 03, 2007

Do Not Take Dolls Away from Boys

A.J. over at Thingamababy was nice enough to point me to his thoughts on at something recently posted on the blog of the Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood. The title of the blog's post was "Boys: The New Girls," and it went into wonderful detail on how playing with gender-inappropriate toys is, well, inappropriate:
The current trend of trying to get boys to play with more feminine toys does not cultivate a well rounded boy, it misguides him and potentially handicaps him when he is called upon to exhibit masculine behavior. ... We don't need softer and prettier boys. We don't need boys who can push a baby carriage and appropriately dress a doll. We need boys who have had a sense of courage, adventure, resilience, toughness, and predilection to protect and provide for others built in them.
I have to confess that I have no idea who the CBMW are, and at the risk of beating a strawman, let me say -- once more, for the record -- that we'd be much, much better off if boys spent more time thinking about pushing baby carriages and less time worrying about fulfilling some sort of retrograde notion of "protector and provider." Geez ...


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