Tuesday, January 20, 2009

PR Isn't Rocket Science


From today's inbox:
After reading your blog, I thought you may be interested in writing a post about the announcement below regarding Avaak’s VueCrew** beta test program that will give busy moms like you a chance to see aspects of your day-to-day life that you have yet to see for yourself. (Bold mine)
I honest-to-God scan almost every piece of mail I receive. Most of it is wildly off-topic, but if you're going to take the time to pitch me, please get my gender right, please. I mean, my e-mail is rebelDAD@gmail.com, for Pete's sake.


** I honestly didn't read any further than that. I don't know what the Avaak VueCrew is. I won't link to it. But if it's anything like the Trixie Tracker, I'd recommend the Trixie Tracker. Because the guy who designed it is a super-nice guy who built the thing from the ground up and hasn't -- to my knowledge -- hired a clueless PR firm.

UPDATE: I did receive a nice note of apology from the original pitcher, which I appreciate. And she noted that the Trixie Tracker is completely different from their product. Though Trixie Tracker still rocks.


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