Thursday, June 19, 2003

On the menu today: smorgasbord! There are still a lot of bits and pieces to pick up from the weekend, a blog update, a comics update and some other odds and ends.

I'll start with blogs. As I mentioned yesterday, is one of the best at-home dad sites I've seen. For starters, he has the same problem I do with the whole naming thing, and he wants to replace "at-home dad" with "full time father." I'd be all for that, if I weren't a bit guilty about being a nearly "full-time father" who has at least a little time away every week. And,let's face it, the name is far more inituitive than "Rebel Dad." He's also got his political agenda defined: "We believe that every taxpayer dollar offered to pay for commercial day care should also be available to those families where parents, grandparents, other relatives, or friends do the child-rearing."

It's happening! For Better or For Worse's Mike Peterson looks like he's about to become an at-home dad (or full time father or Rebel Dad). Don't you think? Foreshadowing!

Around the horn: We have a Long Beach Press Telegram piece saying nice things about Hogan and Proud Dads. More bits from the Census report, including this one from a Texas TV station. Anyone in East Texas want to get ahold of this guy? The winner of the Great American Think-Off? An at-home dad. (Of course.) And some happy Father's Day pieces from Jersey, Dayton (the Dayton guys are a riot, as convention-goes will attest), Maine and Alabama

Finally, media darling Michael Zorek is at it again, quoted in this story about a movie theater that holds screenings for parents and kids. (And this one about a Hillary Clinton book-signing.) The man is a regular Greg Packer.


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