Monday, July 28, 2003

We're back in business. The Rebel Dad news filtering machine went nuts this morning when an AP story on the recession hit the wires and was picked up by just about every paper in the United States. The story was about a study assessing the struggles of those hit by the recession, and the story focused on a 48-year-old father of four who is now an at-home dad. The headline finding was that about one in five working-age adults have been laid off at some point in the last three years. And while that may swell the at-home dad ranks, it's not the kind of growth I'd wish for.

In the style of Monty Python -- and now for something completely different -- I'd like to highlight this Q&A published in something called Infoshop News (which bills itself as "anarchist, activist, and alternative news") with a mom who published a zine on parenthood. The questioner is an at-home dad. It's a different take on parenthood, and no matter what how bizarre the notion of anarchist parenting can get, it's a bit refreshing after getting the standard-issue parenting perspective from the mainstream magazines and books and TV shows and so on and so on.

Apologies for the slow week last week. I can feel things turning around, news-wise. There's supposed to be some at-home dad talk today on NPR. I'll let you know if I catch it.


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