Thursday, April 15, 2004

Challenge to Maryland at-home dads: this article about moms in the Urbana area says that dads are welcome in the local moms club, but no gentlemen have ever shown up.

The dispiriting remark of the week comes from a piece in the Rocky Mountain Bullhorn on the lack of good work/family choices for women. Why is it dispiriting? Check out this paragraph:
For a while it was fashionable to work. Magazine ads showed mothers in Armani success suits holding happy babies on their hips. It was even cool, for a few minutes, to be a stay-at-home father. Men learned to cook. Everyone juggled. Fashion has changed -- as it does -- and more women who have the means are proudly staying at home. But fashion is no solution.
Trust me, at-home fatherhood is still cool. We're like rugged white T-shirts with jeans. We'll always be in fashion, no matter what the arbiters of "cool" say.


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