The 60 strongest words of the year on the importance of involved dads for women, children and society:
(Also, thanks, Christine, for the shout-out earlier this week. And thanks, Laura, for adding your voice on the strange omission in the Time cover story. And I appreciated the link, too.)
[Time's Sonja Steptoe] What do you mean when you say it's time to get men to do what women traditionally do?Thanks to Christine at ms.musings for the link.
[Gloria Steinem]: As long as working women also have to do the work of child and family care at home, they will have two jobs instead of one. Perhaps more important, children will grow up thinking that only women can be loving and nurturing and men cannot. Achieving a society in which men raise children as much as women do is crucial.
(Also, thanks, Christine, for the shout-out earlier this week. And thanks, Laura, for adding your voice on the strange omission in the Time cover story. And I appreciated the link, too.)
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