Monday, March 15, 2004

I have a serious post about science and research and other deep thoughts, but a kind and loyal reader directed me to the news that a new animated Spike TV show debuted yesterday. I didn't see it, and I don't have high expectations for a network that considers "Stripperella" to be the pinnacle of art, but the show, This Just In seems to be ready to offend.

Of course, the show's calling card seems to be its politics, but it's counting on laughs from one of its characters, a househusband who is thusly described:
Craig Tindle
The guy who was cool, fun, and a blast to be around... until he got married and surrendered his spine and goals along with his penis. A house husband who is only a few Dr. Phil episodes away from total puss-dom, Tindle went from being in customer service for a major department store, to customer service for his wife Hu. Newport and Townhouse hope to some day see the Craig they knew before marriage... but for all they know, that guy died with Kurt Kobain. Craig Tindle isn't just a married guy -- he's a cautionary tale for every man who fears the worst in marriage.
Funny, no?

I know it's comedy. I know it's a joke. I'm not going to foam at the mouth about this one.


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