Friday, July 23, 2004

Just in case you need *another* reason to travel to suburban Chicago the weekend before Thanksgiving, RebelDad has volunteered to run a session at the ninth-annual At-Home Dad Convention. I'd like to talk about the topic for a moment here, and it's a bit, you know, personal. Please shoo the children away.

I offered to run a session about at-home dads and sex (or lack thereof). Sex (and lack thereof) is a hot topic nowadays. Two big magazine pieces last year in The Atlantic Monthly and the mag-I-love-to-hate, New York Magazine tackled the issue of married couples having little or no sex. And researchers say we married people are doing better than singles. Apparently, there just ain't much sex going on. (Even the fertility rate is down. More people die in this country than are born on yearly basis. You can look it up.)

So I'm looking for ways to reverse this trend, since most convention attendees (and, probably, a good number of their wives) would like to have more sex. RebelMom is doing some research, and I'd like to throw the topic out for discussion (either in the comment section or privately over e-mail). If you're having enough sex, let me know what you're doing right. And if you're not, let me know what you think would help. Convention beers (and anonymity) to those that help.


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