Thursday, October 07, 2004

With a headline like this -- "Executive Women Love to Work - Househusbands Wanted" -- I'm helpless not to link. The press release that runs below that headline is mostly about working women, but I have to love the "househusbands wanted" bit.

Here's the worth-examining stats from the release, pulled together by a marketing firm:
Women executives are doing it all. Although nearly 80% of the women disagree that it's a woman's job to be the primary caregiver and homemaker, 83% admit they are the ones most often performing the tasks associated with these roles. They also are significant household financial providers, with 51% serving the primary role and an additional 42% play a substantial role.
It's s hard to draw broad conclusions without knowing more about the corporate executive surveyed, but the math suggests there's a lot of guys who could be pulling more weight. According to this survey, at least half of primary breadwinning women are also doing all the heavy lifting at home. I wonder if that's an actually an improvement over years past?


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