Thursday, February 10, 2005

Eerie silence. I haven't posted much this week, in large part because there is little going on and in part because I've been spending some of my blogging time trying to prep for this week's Rebel Dad Radio, which is slated to go off as planned on Sunday (expected guest: Mr. Dad himself, Armin Brott).

And in part, I'm having a hard time following up the last post, about the possibility that the administration may begin chipping away at the Family and Medical Leave Act. As some have noted in the comments to Tuesday's post, the rumored changes are hardly daunting and wouldn't change the law enough for most parents to notice. But the real danger is the slippery slope: a slow gutting of the basics of the FMLA that would leave a weak law (compared to similar policies elsewhere) even weaker.

Even with the FMLA in place, it's hard to take leave, as others mentioned in the comments. The best illustration of this is a post from Russ at Daily Yak on his experience. If this is a meaningful issue for you, please read his post: Russ essentially threatened litigation to take what was granted under that law. In short, there's not much room to weaken the law without rendering it toothless.


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