Housekeeping today: I have added four new at-home dads to the blogroll at right, as well as two additional dad groups (in Chicago and Seattle). In addition, Rebel Dad regular Dayv has translated his recent media stardom into an at-home dad group in Lodi, CA. If I'm missing your blog or your local group, please let me know.
Also: Since we've had an influx of Italian visitors here, I'd like to begin offering T-shirts in Italian at the Rebel Dad Store. A free shirt/hat to anyone who can translate "Men Who Change Diapers Change the World" more elegantly than Google would.
I have some other items to get through today and tomorrow (hopefully). For starters, you can rest assured that all the optimism for dad-friendly advertising I expressed during last week's Rebel Dad Radio isn't going to bear fruit immediately. Greg over at Daddy Types was reading Child magazine and didn't exactly feel like the target demographic.
In addition, check out this local at-home dad story from David, California. Nice press, gentlemen. (The author, incidentally, pulled a number of 750,000 at-home dads from 1998 Census data, proving that the bureau's stats are so unclear that no two reporters can come up with the same stat.
This week on Rebel Dad Radio: I have an interview lined up with the Boston Globe's Patricia Wen, who wrote the quite wonderful story on Gen X dads a couple of weeks ago. There will be some news and analysis, some shameless promotion, some snippets of the comments received at 206.338.DADS (3237) and, time permitting, some of the music from the 2002 At-Home Dad Convention. Again, the feed is at:
Also: Since we've had an influx of Italian visitors here, I'd like to begin offering T-shirts in Italian at the Rebel Dad Store. A free shirt/hat to anyone who can translate "Men Who Change Diapers Change the World" more elegantly than Google would.
I have some other items to get through today and tomorrow (hopefully). For starters, you can rest assured that all the optimism for dad-friendly advertising I expressed during last week's Rebel Dad Radio isn't going to bear fruit immediately. Greg over at Daddy Types was reading Child magazine and didn't exactly feel like the target demographic.
In addition, check out this local at-home dad story from David, California. Nice press, gentlemen. (The author, incidentally, pulled a number of 750,000 at-home dads from 1998 Census data, proving that the bureau's stats are so unclear that no two reporters can come up with the same stat.
This week on Rebel Dad Radio: I have an interview lined up with the Boston Globe's Patricia Wen, who wrote the quite wonderful story on Gen X dads a couple of weeks ago. There will be some news and analysis, some shameless promotion, some snippets of the comments received at 206.338.DADS (3237) and, time permitting, some of the music from the 2002 At-Home Dad Convention. Again, the feed is at:
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