Thursday, March 03, 2005

Help Hogan write his book. Hogan Hilling, one of the godfathers of the whole at-home dad thing and the guy behind The Man Who Would be Dad, is working on a second book, this one titled "What Dads Want Moms To Know." Naturally, Hogan is trying to figure out exactly what dads want moms to know, and he is distributing a survey that he would like back. So if you're game, copy this survey, paste it in an e-mail to Hogan ( and send it along. It's worth noting that there is a mom version of the study, too, and you can e-mail Hogan for more information.
Dad Questionnaire



Number of Children, Age(s) of Children

1. Share two issues or anxieties you have about being a father and briefly
explain why.

2. Share two fathering issues or anxieties that you wish your wife would take time to better understand and briefly explain why. If the answer to #2 is the same as #1 go on to question #3.

3. Share any tips or suggestions you have on how a mom can encourage and influence her husband to become a more involved father.

4. If there is one thing you could share with your wife about being a father that you haven't told her, what would it be?

5. What was the most difficult thing about finding out you were going to be a father for the first time? Has this become easier or more difficult over time?

6. What are two things your wife is doing well in supporting your role as Dad?

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