Monday, August 08, 2005

OK ... site tweaking should be done. If you expected to see your link here, and don't see it, let me know.

One of the links I'll be throwing up later today is for the York County, SC dad's group, which was featured Friday in the Charlotte Observer. If you're interested in starting your own local dad's group. The story is worth the read, particularly if you're interested in starting your own group -- a couple of fliers, a little media attention, and bam! you're in business.

York County may now be the closest at-home dad group to Charlotte, though I did receive a set of e-mails last week about a parent's group there, which resides at It's a splinter group from another online parenting group that apparently wanted to stay moms only, so the new group formed in the interest of including everyone: dads, grandparents, foster parents. Sounds like a wonderful endeavor, and though it won't make the dad-group-list at right, I wanted to flag it.

Don't look now, but a Rebel Dad Radio may be in the offing.



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