Saturday, October 08, 2005

I'm late to the party when it comes to commenting on the upcoming Martha Stewart at-home dad shindig (tickets may still be available). Martha is celebrating National Men Make Dinner Day and has invited SAHDS to fill her audience. There is much here to rant about, and Mr. Nice Guy has done a wonderful job of ranting on the subject. Please read his post. It is done with a truly wonderful level of bile and disdain. (Blogging Baby, too, has picked up on MNG's post.)

I did some checking into National Men Make Dinner Day, and I must say that I find the website utterly obnoxious. I would post the most obnoxious parts, but I honestly can't settle on which parts are worst. Your suggestions are welcome.

A couple of additional points worth making: 1) National Men Make Dinner Day was created by Canadians, so it isn't binding on most of you. 2) It was created by a Canadian radio station, which suggest the general level of critical thought that has gone into it. Obviously, this is a very drawn-out joke based solely on a silly, outdated sexist stereotype. And since I don't laugh at sexist stereotypes, no matter their target, I'll instead chuckle at Martha, who is apparently putting her considerable media heft behind an un-American holiday being promoted by some DJs from the great white north.

Come on, Martha. Next year, celebrate a global fake holiday with wide appeal: International Talk Like a Pirate Day.


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