Thursday, May 29, 2003

Good news... of sorts. My copy of Parenting arrived this week, and having read through the issue, I don't have much to rant about. (Unlike last month, which, as Rebel Dad readers may remember, spawned a somewhat ill-tempered letter to the editor). Sure, it's still more mommy-centric than it needs to be, but there wasn't much male-bashing or articles that worked overtime to make sure the audience was strictly female. Thank goodness. I'll take whatever small blessings I can get.

Since my beer-for-at-home-dad-statistics ploy has largely been a failure, I'd like to offer readers another challenge: find (or found) an active at-home dad blog. Again, the finders fee will be paid in beer. I've scoured the web and haven't had much success finding a nice, first-person, consistantly updated at-home dad blog. So drop me a message with the URL and the drinks are on me next time you're in town. Deal?


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