Thursday, March 03, 2005

Good news: Green Bay dads (or, more accurately, Northeast Wisconsin At-Home Dads) got their moment in the media sun last month. It's a nice story, and there's a nice twist: the founder of the group was named (by the group), as the "Daddy of the Year." This is a crafty way to grab media attention: a lot of media outlets don't want to do the same old "hey-look-at-the-at-home-dad" story. They want a news hook. Giving out awards to your members (and sending out official-looking press releases alerting the media) might be a nice way to create news for the media to cover. More on at-home dad groups, the media, etc. on this week's Rebel Dad Radio.

Better news ... the rash of TV bits on stay-at-home dads all appeared in February. Pop culture junkies probably know that February is a sweeps month, where networks and local affiliates pull out all the stops to get viewers. So I find it interesting -- and heartening -- that TV news directors think that at-home dad stories are likely to really lure viewers. And I'd much rather hear about dads than the usual local news sweep stories (usually involving faulty products, consumer scams and unsolved murders ...)


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