Friday, June 17, 2005

I Could Write All Day about what a dumb idea Meet Mr. Mom is, but let me try to break down the dangerous/wrong assumptions that that show seems to make (in 100 words or less):

1. It assumes that raising kids is a terrible job. But most of the working dads I know would see a week alone with their children as a good (if exhausting) opportunity.

2. It assumes that men suck at caregiving. Because if dads are just as good as moms, where's the humor.

3. It assumes that parenting can be judged.

4. It assumes that mothers enjoy seeing their husbands flounder with the kids.

5. It assumes Americans will watch super stereotypical dreck. (Actually, this is probably the only correct assumption. What was it that Mencken said about the intelligence of the American people ...)

As an aside: This woman may be the scariest parent in America. Please don't watch her network. (Thanks to Miriam at Playground Revolution.)

Finally ... this may be my last post before Father's Day (though I hope to begin posting the already-growing number of Father's Day stories before then), so I want to wish my own father a very special day. I also want to thank the small army of people who have made my experience as a father possible. Around this time of year, I get a lot of glowing attention for the choices I have made. But I haven't made them alone, and I haven't been able to do what I do without a tremendous amount of help. So thank you, Hope, with whom I have shared care for more than three years. Thank you Miriam, who has helped fill in the gaps for more than a year. Thanks to Kebe, our part-time nanny in the early days. And thanks to all those others in the neighborhood who have bailed me out on an ad hoc basis.

On this Father's Day, I don't have enough thank yous for Rebel Mom, the best possible co-parent. She has made my life possible, not only by going to work on days she would rather stay home, but by staying home whenever possible and allowing me to work. She is a wonderful wife, a great parent, and I'm lucky to have her.


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