Monday, June 13, 2005

It's Time for Some Updates. I'm in the process of adding two new father's groups to the list at right:, a group's that was "created to serve both stay-at-home and working fathers of Massachusetts (primarily Boston & suburbs) a place to connect, create friendships, network and get out of the house."

Also, I have been told that the East Bay Dads group out in California is "the coolest group of guys in the SF bay area." It has been around for years and is just now coming to my attention.

If I have missed your group or your blog please let me know.

Finally ... a request: the fine folks at the At-Home Dad Convention are soliciting donations for bags to be given to attendees. So if you are a large multi-national company looking to unload 100 to 150 promotional items (or an ambitious entrepreneur who wants to start a viral dad-based campaign), drop me a line.


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