Tuesday, June 21, 2005

What a day to disappear. Thanks to all who are returning after wondering where rebeldad.com went. I'm a bit discombobulated by the whole thing, but I'll begin ramping up again ASAP.

I'm still digging through stories that ran last week, including this one from the Boston Globe that has an encouraging headline: "Dads are no longer the 'assistant parent'."

The Globe is rapidly becoming my favorite newspaper for dad coverage: their Gen X dads story remains one of the year's best. The "assistant parent" article travels much of the same road, detailing how involved fathers now are, and it includes a conversation with the always-interesting Kyle Pruett of Yale, who spoke last year at the At-Home Dad Convention. Plus it includes this quote, from Jerrold Lee Shapiro, a counseling psychologist and professor at Santa Clara University in California: "'There is no gene for diapering.'"

And the Globe story's author, Barbara Meltz, takes a stab at explaining *why* the involved father thing is taking off (I've always been vaguely unsatisfied with these explanations, which never seem to capture *all* the reasons for the sea change):
There are plenty of reasons for the change: Couples are waiting longer to have children and being more thoughtful about their parenting; economics dictates that both parents work, making it only fair that both be involved; and research continues to show developmental benefits to a child from having two involved parents.


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