Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Rick Santorum: Stay-At-Home Dad Proponent (?!) Rick Santorum, who I believe can fairly be called one of the more extreme members of his party, is now on the record as being a big at-home dad fan. He's taken the position after first round of criticism on his new book, "It Takes a Family," which pointed out that Santorum appeared to long for the day when dad when out to work and mom stayed home and blamed modern feminism for driving women out of the kitchen. (Note to Santorum: when the Independent Women's Forum concedes that you "may be going too far," you've gone too far.)

Not so!, says Rick, who defended himself thusly to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
"A parent should stay home. I didn't say whether it should be moms or dads. I have a lot of friends where the mom works and the dad stays home. I'm very flexible on that," he said.
I especially love the "I have a lot of friends where" line. I'm pretty sure that the story's author didn't buy Santorum's line, either. The line immediately following Santorum's quote is from Rebel Dad fave Joan Williams: "Who is he kidding?"

Geek Update: For those who care about my tagging efforts, I have decided to scrap the little-used "fathers," "father" and "dads" tags in favor of the unofficial standard "dad."


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