Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Sex Talk and sex talk: as it turns out, this was not a week for getting a Rebel Dad Radio out the door ... but I did manage to pump out an episode of my gender-issue 'cast, Sex Talk. I promise to get back to the Rebel Dad Radio at some point soon, even if that means another rambling car-cast.

Speaking of sex talks, I am off of the agenda for the At-Home Dad Convention. Sounds like everything is so packed now that there is no official time to swap wisdom out at Oakton. But I suspect the conversation will come up at the Pizzeria Ora Lounge on Saturday night. I'll be the one at the end of the bar, wearing the Rebel Dad hat. Dayv will be there, too, I bet. Wearing reindeer horns.

Finally, I've added a dynamic list of news stories on work-life issues at right. As you've noticed, I have a real interest in that topic, even though it doesn't always fit in with the focus here. So I'll begin throwing up links to news stories there, sans comment, for those who would like to keep up on what I'm reading. (Geekery note: I'm using Feed Digest to pull in a feed.)


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