Thursday, October 13, 2005

Why is it that everyone thinks the perfect diaper bag is some sort of hard-to-find Holy Grail? I can't think of how many parenting mag articles I've read on where to find good/hip/cool bags. And Parents joined the club this month, pushing three daddy bags. First, there's the "DaddyBelt" which was apparently designed by "a weapons expert turned at-home dad." It was inspired by a carpenter's tool belt, I think, but ends up looking like a fanny pack on 'roids.

They also plug the "Marshall Bag," which looks to be a single-strap backpack. But like the other two bags flagged in the story, it comes in camouflage, which apparently makes it a "cool, affordable option ... just for guys."

Then there's the "Diaper Dude" line, which, from what I can tell, is just a glorified messenger bag.

Look, all anyone really needs in a diaper bag is that it be big, pocket-laden and waterproof. And there are tons of great bags -- in a variety of styles and colors to meet your needs -- already available that do just that. They are called courier bags. I use one from a company called Courierware. It is black. It is indestructible. I can stuff it to the gills with kids stuff. I can also fill it with ice and keep a six-pack cold for hours.

It seems like every major city has a former bike messenger who makes these bags by hand, and they are all outstanding (and hip, even if you can't get them in camouflage). There is Push, in Toronto, Chrome, in San Francisco, RELOAD, in Philly, Dank, in Milwaukee. The list goes on. I assume that however badly I treat my bag, it is designed to be used by people who treat it even worse.

Belated Desperate Housewives Over-Analysis: Restraint continues over in the script department, with no effort to paint Tom Scavo as an in-over-his-head SAHD. Could it be -- audible gasp -- that a dad staying home with his kids has little comic potential on its own? (Doubt it, but still impressed that they've failed to mine that tapped-out vein.)


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