Saturday, November 19, 2005

It's nice to have Kyle Pruett back here again, and I say that not just because he was nice enough to greenlight the recording of his keynote (which I'm trying to produce now. It ain't NPR quality, but I'll get something out). Though his presentation wasn't vastly different, hearing him is always affirming. The message is simple: fathers are doing something special -- and something right -- that will stick with the kids for years.

I've made this plug before, and I'll make it again ... as nice as it is to get the presentation here, it's also well worth hearing Pruett's full arguments, and his book, Fatherneed, is an important read.

But he through a couple of new nuggets into the conversation, including a $10 million program he's working on in the state of California to aid at-risk families by a focus solely on father involvement. I need to learn more -- and I'll be following this as it evolves -- but Dr. Pruett suggests that the results will be well worth paying attention to. "The early data is in," he said, "and it looks positive."

It sounds like there may be a little more research presented today; I'll keep you posted.

Feels like a big turnout today. More blurry photos up at the Flickr feed.


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