Monday, March 06, 2006

The Mommy Wars Solution

I promise I'll do my best to make this the last mommy wars post of week. I've spent part of the weekend despairing over the attention that the new Mommy Wars book is getting. I've been turning over ways to silence this meme. Sadly, I don't work for the Washington Post, and my work isn't excerpted by Newsweek and my book hasn't been picked up by Random House. All I have is a small corner of the web.

But I've decided to leverage this small corner, and if you have a blog and write about the mommy wars, I'd ask you to pitch in. If there's one book with "Mommy Wars" in the title that folks should look at, it's Miriam Peskowitz's The Truth Behind the Mommy Wars. And I would like to see The "Truth Behind the Mommy Wars" continue to outrank the new book on Google for the term "Mommy Wars."

So from now on, whenever I first use the words "Mommy Wars" in a post, I'll like to Miriam's book's entry on Amazon. If enough people associate that link to the "Mommy Wars" term, "Truth Behind the Mommy Wars" will remain at the top of the rankings. It's a small act, but I have to do *something.*


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