Saturday, February 25, 2006


I have to confess that I haven't been watching as much TV as I should be, but has anyone else seen a dad-centric Mazda5 ad that suggests minivan drivers make young women swoon? Greg over at DaddyTypes seemed pretty slack-jawed at the spot. If anyone can point me to a link or let me know what channels Mazda is targeting, I'd appreciate it.

Also: thanks to Derek from for flagging Good Morning America's Mothers of Invention Contest, which naturally, excludes fathers as a matter of law. It doesn't have to be this way. I think it was Real Simple that ran a similar contest a few months ago, only to have an at-home dad among its finalists. And it was an at-home dad named Robert Klick who won Oprah's invention challenge a few years back for the Po-Knee. In fact, if I was a more conspiratorial type, I'd say GMA was intentionally keeping dads out of their competition, given our well-documented penchant for invention.


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