The Mommy Wars Takes Another Shot
I know I'm behind the curve a bit on the mommy wars stuff, but I just got around to reading this brilliant piece on mommy wars, written for Mother's Day. It nicely dismantles the "war" by laying out the similarities between at-home and go-to-work moms, at least from a kid's point of view. This clearly won't end the asinine stories (though they *do* seem to be less frequent since Steiner and Flanagan, etc. forced everyone to think critically about the issue), but it's a nice addition to the anti-war canon.
While I'm catching up, check out MassDad's Evan Hadley, who wrote a nice first-person piece about his experience.
And if you're in need of a laugh, a British newspaper column has targeted a major scourge that you should all be aware of: dad bloggers. Read it and weep. (Thanks to (who gets savaged in the piece) for bringing this to my attention.)
While I'm catching up, check out MassDad's Evan Hadley, who wrote a nice first-person piece about his experience.
And if you're in need of a laugh, a British newspaper column has targeted a major scourge that you should all be aware of: dad bloggers. Read it and weep. (Thanks to (who gets savaged in the piece) for bringing this to my attention.)
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