Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Dads, Dads Everywhere

It's not even Father's Day, and I'm already slipping. Let me knock out some quick bites:

For starters, I mentioned in my last post that the latest Census figures have our numbers pegged at 147,000 (the 2004 numbers). But that's not right -- the 2005 figures (available only in unintelligible CSV form) are indeed out, and SAHD numbers have slipped by 4,000. I'll have a go at those as soon as I have a chance.

I know we're still some days away from the dad deluge, but I might be ready to crown the best Father's Day media piece of the year already: read this fantastic Washington Post piece on all the instances of caring fathers in the natural world. It's Mr. Seahorse ... and more. (Thanks to Rebel Mom for the link.)

As it turns out, if you ignore Leslie Morgan Steiner, she *doesn't* actually go away. This week, she asked where the heck the dads were when it came to volunteering at school. Read the comments. I think Steiner has her answer.

Finally, I've seen some great blog posts. Daddy Dialetic began by riffing on a Steiner post and moved on to raising some worthwhile points about the various types of inequality in parenting.

And I've read few post lately as enjoyable as this one from Cynical Dad.


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