June was a wild month for me (the sixth in a row, if you're counting), and there's some blog maintainance that has been sorely lacking. So I've made some time and corrected some of the problems:
1. The blogroll at right should be almost complete. I think one request slipped through the cracks (sorry Stephen ... I'll add you soonest), but all the rest should be there. If you're not there and should be, let me know. I've also done some pruning of dead blogs. If you've suddenly disappeared from the site but are actually still alive and blogging, let me know.
2. I pulled down my advertising link about a month ago because it seemed to be breaking the page. It's up there now. If you want to advertise, I've cut my rates to make up for my hiatus. Operators are standing by. (Alternatively, feel free to buy something if you'd like to support the site.)
3. Some of you noticed that the navigation links at the top of the page were broken from certain points in the site. I think that's resolved now. Apologies for the delay in fixing.
4. Finally, I'm sure you've noticed that I've put in a scrolling widget with headlines from my side project at, On Balance. I'm not entirely sure how useful it is, but it's there in the spirit of cross-promotion.
* If there are other problems, please drop me a line. I'm doing my best to keep things useable ...
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