Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Neccessity is the Father of Invention?

In all of my consumer-oriented ranting, I have completely failed to throw a link to the New York Times story from a couple of weeks ago that was first on the scene with their dads-as-drivers-of-American-consuming story. Interesting stuff:

In the history of child care products from strollers to the odor-eliminating disposal known as the Diaper Genie, plenty have been dreamed up by men and women alike. But as more fathers have taken hands-on roles in child rearing, tackling some of the grittier and more odiferous chores of parenthood and even becoming stay-at-home dads, their inventions are increasingly inspired by personal experiences like Mr. Habeeb’s. In many cases they are designed specifically for fellow fathers.
My Dad, American Inventor - New York Times

(Still not sure that I'm down with the shocked-that-dads-participate tone of the whole thing. The "grittier" chores of parenthood? "Even" becoming stay-at-home dads?)


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