Monday, June 30, 2003

The summer doldrums are officially here, and between Father's Day and the Census numbers, no one seems all that interested in us at-home fathers. So what do news-aggregating blogs do when there's no news to aggregate? We point to other blogs in an endless cycle. Today, I wanted to flag a new at-home dad blog: Laid-Off Dad. It's a nice piece of work and relatively new.

The second bit is this analytical entry from Being Daddy on the lack of good, 21st century dad role models. Being Daddy's only nominee: Bernie Mac. "For me watching [Bernie Mac] as a new father, it was a revelation. 'Mothering' and 'fathering' are not synonymous. And neither are they mutually exclusive. It's this overlap that is too infrequently portrayed."

And I have one quick correction: Scott Thompson is not the sexiest dad in America, as I suggesed last week, but one of the 12 sexiest. The nice people are Parents didn't pick a top dad, nor did they put sexy dads on the cover. Nor, for that matter, did at-home dads seem to hog a disproportion number of those 12 spots. (I only pursued the magazine briefly, but I think Thompson was the only at-home dad featured.) It could be argued that the lack of at-home dads in the top 12 arose because there are so few of us, but the research is clear: we are an extraordinarily sexy bunch.


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