Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Every once in a while, there comes a story that so perfectly tells the story of modern fatherhood that I am left (almost) commentless. This piece on Gen X dads from Sunday's Boston Globe is one such story. The thesis is simple: men today are increasingly putting family first, and the author, Patricia Wen, finds a wonderful group of men to illustrate that point.

(An aside: Wen may be my favorite reporter on social issues right now. She also penned the modern marriage story I wrote about last month.)

The most powerful thing about the story was the "to be sure" section, the portion of any piece of journalism given over to the opposing viewpoint. I read though several hundreds words of experts claiming that men can't possibly tilt from selfish workaholics to family men in the span of two or three decades and found myself underwhelmed. It sounded like an out-of-touch argument, and, intentionally or not, reinforced the reality of the trend.

(Credit where credit is due: link via Daddy Types.)


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