Friday, April 29, 2005

Dad Season is like Christmas: it starts a little earlier every year. Enterprising reporters are already beginning work on their Father's Day stories (ABC News is looking for NYC-area dads, etc.). If you've been reading for a while, you know that I struggle to keep up with links to the flood of the Dad's Day SAHD stories. Most of those stories are disappointingly cookie-cutter: a few anecdotes showing dad playing with child, a few lines about why he became an at-home dad, a quote from Libby Gill or Bob Frank.

The site is now being hit by journalists every once in a while, and to help reporters brainstorm new father-related topics, I'd like to create a "Top Ten Stories" list. The list would contain new ways to approach at-home fatherhood stories (and stories in general) and will to be posted May 18 -- a month before Father's Day. I'll be wracking my brain to come up with some ideas, but I'll need your help. Leave your suggestions in the comments here and I'll pull together the best for the final list.

Some ideas:
* Working Dads: The Families and Work Institute says that the time dad spend with the kids is up an hour a day (to 2.7, compared with mom's 3.4) over the past 25 years. This is being driven by working fathers. I'd love to read a story about guys who have stepped off the fast track to be home at 5:30 p.m. every day.
* New Father Programs: There is a slow growth of hospital-based new father programs. I'd like to see an overview of those that goes beyond a profile of a single class to look at the ways men are becoming more involved around (and after) birth.

I can't wait to hear yours ...


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