Monday, April 11, 2005

At-home dads the world over: the Australian version of 60 Minutes ran a lengthy segment on at-home dads, which was brought to my attention by lifeasadaddy, a fine blog from down under. (Text is here. Video is here.)

Lifeasadaddy wasn't too impressed with the piece, and I have to agree with him. It's great to see male caregivers painted as normal and increasing in numbers, but there was a lot of what sounded almost like baiting the men interviewed to fess up to feeling less of a man because of their choices. I don't want to imply for a moment that guys who step off the fast track don't feel regret for lost work opportunities, but for nearly all of us, that regret is far less than the regret we'd feel if we lost the family connection.

And as an aside, I was left underwhelmed by the lack of rigor of the piece. Zero stats, zero experts, zero effort to understand the macro trend.

But hey, publicity is publicity ... right?


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