Monday, May 23, 2005

Move over Michael Keaton ... we might be on the verge of the first real pop culture at-home father since Mr. Mom cemented the stereotype in 1983. In the season finale of Desperate Housewives, Tom Scavo -- frequently absentee father of four -- quit his job and announced that he would become an at-home dad.

It's one thing to have a failed sitcom (Daddio) about a SAHD. It's quite another when the top-rated show on television (even a gleefully over-the-top one) tackles the issue. I'm curious as can be about the way this develops. DH has gotten this rep as a kind of the funhouse mirror of motherhood: wildly distorted by nonetheless basically true. Can they pull off a dad-at-home subplot without resurrecting Jack Butler?

There is much to be posted this week, but I needed to get that out of my system.


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