Also: here's quick sample of what others are saying:
Thoughts from the Oasis amidst the Corn: "We're Dads and we're perfectly capable of handling ourselves in the home. We're the rule. That Mr. Mom stereotype that's going to exploited on this brain drain of a television show is the exception to the rule. Dads have come a long way, baby."
rmenga: "'Can dad handle what Mom does?' I happen to know a few fathers. YES THEY CAN. We can thank NBC for making dads across America look stupid and worthless."
Blogging Baby: "The premise: send mom on a one-week vacation and put dad in charge of the family. The payoff? Well, we all know dads are hopeless dolts when it comes to kids, so hilarity must ensue. Any bets that theyÂ?ve selected the most self-absorbed, work-obsessed fathers this side of Frank Zappa to serve as comic fodder?"
Playground Revolution: "Fathers know how to take care of children. There's no reason why should still be debating this one. End of story. And from a feminist mother's perspective, stay at home fathers are a woman's best friend. I know lots of mothers who are still able to work fulltime, with very little ambivalence, and without the extra work of packing lunches and daycare drop offs, because their partner is at home with the kids."