Thursday, July 14, 2005

Funny Story: About a week ago, a reader shot me a quick e-mail about my currently-on-hiatus podcast, Sex Talk, which covers gender issues a bit more broadly than does this blog. "Heya," the note went, "Just noticed that Sex Talk is at #47 on the iTunes top 100 podcasts :)"

I noted that having an near-death show up as one of the most popular podcasts was off-the-charts bizarre (also off-the-charts bizarre: the shows are all labeled "explicit"). I assumed that I was accidentally nabbing the ear of folks who thought "Sex Talk" meant the voice of Jenna Jameson, when they got the voices of Gloria Steinem and Kim Gandy instead. (Ha!)

I figured would wake up the next day to find that order had been restored to the universe and that Sex Talk would vanish into obscurity. Didn't happen. The show is now ranked 35 -- it's been as high as 32 -- and the archived episodes are getting thousands of downloads. (And as it turns out, the show's description makes pretty clear that it's a politically oriented show about gender issues.) I'm getting feedback from new listeners, nearly all of it positive. And I'm flummoxed. I originally put the show on hiatus because it was sucking up entirely too much time that would have otherwise been spent looking for paying work. But now I have all these folks asking me what comes next, and I hate to leave them hanging.

It's entirely possible that will mention this in the next couple of days. The reporter was apparently cracked up that such a "cerebral" and "square" podcast (his words) would, even accidentally, get this much attention. It amuses me, too, but at the same time it's kind of cool to know that there are plenty of iTunes listeners hungry for all the gender equity news they can get. Even if it is a bit square.

Story over. Back to the SAHD stuff soon.


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