Monday, September 12, 2005

New faces, housekeeping and general geekery today. For starters, there are one new blog on the blogroll (and four other ones that I've posted on before but never threw up there before): Cynical Dad, as accurate titled a parenting blog as I've seen. Funny stuff. A few blogs have also dropped off the list. If yours should be there but isn't let me.

OK. The rest of the post will be a bit technical. If this is your first time here, I apologize, and rest assured I spend most of my time talking about at-home fatherhood, not esoteric web acronyms.

One of the things I have been thinking about since posting on the At-Home Dad Convention is where *I* think the national stay-at-home dad support network will be in 10 years. There's no doubt that it will be online, so I'm committed to using all of the web tools available to connect readers with other dads and other resources. Some of these tools are now probably overkill for 99 percent of readers, but I never want to be in the position of, which seems stuck in 1999 and unable to provide access to the robust online SAHD community. I want this site to be useful as far into the future as possible. And if there is technology I should be using but am not, let me know.

So ... I have also established an OPML file listing the RSS feeds for the sites in my blogroll, so you may import all at-home dad blogs into your newsreader of choice in one fell swoop. Again, if you're a committed blog reader, you should really be using a newsreader. Feeds of recently added blogs aren't yet part of the file, but I'll do my best to keep it updated.

Also: Keith Tipton, who suggested the OPML file in the first place, has begun using the social bookmark service to tag interesting articles/sites with the "rebeldad" tag. I've been using the same tag to mark articles I want to blog about. If you're a user and want to play along, feel free. Keith has already flagged a couple of interesting pieces. I'll post on them in a bit, or you can just check out the rebeldad bookmarks directly.

Finally, I still plan to establish a wiki for the convention, and a podcast is coming this month. Expect both over the weekend of the 24th.

Phew. If you've made it this far, through "RSS" and "OPML" and "social bookmarks" and "wiki" and "podcast," you're to be commended for your patience. Back to sensible SAHD-related posting tomorrow.


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