Housekeeping Day: I've cleaned up the convention wiki a bit. As it turns out, Hogan won't be there (he has an innocent family-related excuse), but I think we're still at about seven guys. Most of you I've not met before, so I'm excited about the event. And let me throw in an additional bone: the first ten people to sign up on the wiki and show up at the event will get a not-yet-available-to-the-public black REBELDAD bumper sticker.
It looks like we're narrowing down a time: Sunday morning. How early is early to you guys?
Also: I've added some new blogs at right:
* In The Schutte House: It's a nice family blog, plenty of photos, and it seems to have flown beneath my radar for quite some time. Apologies.
* Dad Writes: A thoughtful new entry that bounces around from family postings to personal posting to the occasional political post. From a dad who hopes to have his kids up on a surfboard as soon as she's walking.
* Opinionated Parenting: This is the he-said, she-said blog where Laid-Off Dad does battle. It's a pro blog, and the "debates" of the first few weeks have had a forced feel to them, but it's well worth watching.
The next step, of course, is getting the OPML file of all the sites updated. I've found that having all the blogs in my newsreader has allowed me to can read all of the wonderful dad blogs out there, but Bloglines blogs are ranked in the order they're updated, I also know there are a lot of blogs in the list that haven't been updated in some time. The next update to the blogroll at right will be a culling: if a site hasn't been updating in six months, I plan to take it off of the list.
Geek Update: the Bloglines-friendly OPML file of my blogroll is now up-to-date. Let me know if I've missed anyone.
It looks like we're narrowing down a time: Sunday morning. How early is early to you guys?
Also: I've added some new blogs at right:
* In The Schutte House: It's a nice family blog, plenty of photos, and it seems to have flown beneath my radar for quite some time. Apologies.
* Dad Writes: A thoughtful new entry that bounces around from family postings to personal posting to the occasional political post. From a dad who hopes to have his kids up on a surfboard as soon as she's walking.
* Opinionated Parenting: This is the he-said, she-said blog where Laid-Off Dad does battle. It's a pro blog, and the "debates" of the first few weeks have had a forced feel to them, but it's well worth watching.
The next step, of course, is getting the OPML file of all the sites updated. I've found that having all the blogs in my newsreader has allowed me to can read all of the wonderful dad blogs out there, but Bloglines blogs are ranked in the order they're updated, I also know there are a lot of blogs in the list that haven't been updated in some time. The next update to the blogroll at right will be a culling: if a site hasn't been updating in six months, I plan to take it off of the list.
Geek Update: the Bloglines-friendly OPML file of my blogroll is now up-to-date. Let me know if I've missed anyone.
Tags: SAHD blog dad stay+at+home+dad
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