Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The convention chatter is spreading to the blogosphere. This is pretty exciting; in years past, the convention would come and go, and no other websites would take notice. Not surprisingly, the first post came from Jeff at No Ma'am. He nails the underlying benefit of the event:
But, aside from reaffirming my career choice, the greatest thing I took away from this convention was the brotherhood we all shared. Just being in a room with 100 other guys that are doing the same thing I'm doing day in and day out was a moving experience.
Sappy, but true. Jeff's photos (among those at Flickr tagged with "rebeldad") also caught the attention of Phil at a Family Runs Through It, who correctly noted that there is a preferred at-home dad look.

Some good non-convention stuff floating around the 'net lately, too. Check out this gem from In The Schutte House:
Just wanted to write a quick note of thanks to the random stranger at the grocery store. As we passed in the isle you remarked, "Not as easy as it looks, huh?"

Wow, some assumption. Obviously a man shopping with two small kids would have no idea the challenges involved. Its obvious that a man would be overwhelmed with the responsibility of not only caring for kids but shopping as well! It must have been shocking that both the girls seemed happy and healthy. No doubt I must have just bribed them with promises of candy at the check-out counter. Thank you for reminding me to explain to my kids that someone's gender has very little with what they can do and be as an adult. Yes, only boys can grow up and be daddies and only girls can grow up to be mommies, but staying home with kids can be a job for either mommies or daddies.
What is it about grocery stores that brings out these comments?

Reminder: Whether you've attended the convention or not, I'm interested in hearing what you think an at-home dad convention *should* look like. Post your comments on the Convention 2006 wiki page.


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