Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Final Convention Post of the Year

I've been staying busy enough with site tweaks that I haven't gotten around to finishing up my convention items. For starters, there is now an additional convention photo set up at Flickr from Canadian Tim. He's tagged his photos with "2005ahdconvention," so I've added the same tag to all my convention photos. Flickr-lovers, enjoy.

Also: I've now thrown three videos up on the web -- three conference-goes explaining why they attended and what irks them about perceptions of at-home fathers:

Phil on stereotypes

Jeff on attending the convention

Dayv on irritations

Update: Jody from Raising Weg read last week's Caitlin Flanagan piece and found much of it very, very strange. It's well worth a read for the Flanagan-obsessed, and she does raise a very good question: what version of Mary Poppins does Flanagan own, anyway?


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