Wednesday, August 18, 2004

I spoke with the fine folks at Spike TV today in an effort to figure out what their pollsters were smoking when they found that a whopping 22 percent of men were at-home dads. The response: "We're not releasing anything more than was in the Time story and the press release. Sorry."

As several of the comments to the earlier posts on the subject have made clear, a great many of the numbers released make absolutely zero sense, and despite my initial enthusiasm for the poll results, I may have to write the findings off as utterly unreliable. (I've called the polling company, too, but haven't received the courtesy of a reply.) Sad as it is to report, this kind of thing makes me pine for the Census Bureau, which isn't afraid of getting things wrong in a clear, unambiguous way.

Needless to say, anyone who can get more details than I won't have to pay for drinks at the annual At-Home Dad Convention this fall.


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