Thursday, August 26, 2004

There's a lively discussion in the comments to yesterday's post on the gawd-awful Parenting magazine piece on using toddler discipline tactics on your husband. A few folks have brought up a letter-writing campaign. Sounds like a great idea.

Unlike politicians, who actually take mass-mailings of identical documents as a measure of interest group strength, a bunch of carbon-copy letters are likely to be instantly trashed by some junior Time Inc. staffer. With number of individual, thoughtful letters, however, one is likely to slip by and get in the magazine.

So here's the challenge. I'm going to write a letter to the editor (I plan on using this e-mail address:, and I'll send along a hard copy to editor Joyce Chan). I'd love for you folks to do the same. If your letter gets published, I owe you a convention beer (fair warning: it may be the 2005 convention. These publications have LONG lead times). Let the letter-writing commence!


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