Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Back in the Saddle

Ahhh. A couple of days away from the electronics, and I'm back and ready to post. Good news, too, because there are a couple of items worth checking out. For starters, check out piece from the Peoria (IL) Journal Star about an at-home dad-led family working through some hard times. Best of luck to the Thousands.

For a more academic treatment of SAHDs, check out post (and comments) at TPM Cafe (a spinoff of the lefty political blog Talking Points Memo.) I haven't replied in the comments, but I'm weighing it. The post is about a guy considering the move to at-home fatherhood, and wondering what that will bring personally and professionally. It certainly sounds like the poster, DragonFlyEye, doesn't think he can afford to stay home (or even that he'll enjoy it), but he's being pulled in that direction.

He's stuck, I fear, in an old way of thinking that says you have to work or stay home, and that there's no middle ground. One of the most freeing things I've learned by talking to dads doing the primary caretaker thing is that many of these guys have an outlet: a few hours a week of server maintainence, a freelance article or two, a bit of sales work for the family business. They've created some flexibility. DragonFlyEye sounds like he has the same opportunity; I hope he seizes it.
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