Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Many to Thank

I appreciate everyone who wrote into (or just read) the Parent Blogger Face-Off last week at the washingtonpost.com. It was a blast, but there are always regrets. Amy, in the comments to Thursday's post, brought those regrets to the fore. She noted that there wasn't much talk about solutions to the real work-family balance problems, and she's right. Work-family balance discussions should focus on more leave, more paid leave, better, cheaper and more available childcare, social roles for men and so on. This isn't a list of panaceas, but debating those issues will get us to answers a lot quicker than complaining about what parent demographic has it the toughest. (While we're on the topic of mommy wars, Keith at We interrupt This Broadcast, forwarded me an anti-mommy wars op-ed in the L.A. Times. Worth the read.)

Thanks, too to the first group of playgroup hosts who e-mailed me their playgroup information for the brand-spanking-new Stay-at-Home Dad Group and Playgroup Map. I'd love to keep filling it out: is your playgroup on the map?

The pile of dad news is growing, so I'll be back with the best (and worst) of daddy media over the next week.


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