Thursday, August 30, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Neccessity is the Father of Invention?
In the history of child care products from strollers to the odor-eliminating disposal known as the Diaper Genie, plenty have been dreamed up by men and women alike. But as more fathers have taken hands-on roles in child rearing, tackling some of the grittier and more odiferous chores of parenthood and even becoming stay-at-home dads, their inventions are increasingly inspired by personal experiences like Mr. Habeeb’s. In many cases they are designed specifically for fellow fathers.My Dad, American Inventor - New York Times
(Still not sure that I'm down with the shocked-that-dads-participate tone of the whole thing. The "grittier" chores of parenthood? "Even" becoming stay-at-home dads?)
Monday, August 27, 2007
Fathers Really Are Involved. Let the Marketing Rumpus Begin!
In fact, they have come to see being an involved dad as the true mark of having it all -- much more than just succeeding financially.Advertising Age - Lenore Skenazy - Dads Are the New Moms, so It's Time to Start Selling Them Stuff
"Dads today define success as being able to spend time with the family, and more of them say that spending time with their family is the thing they are most likely to do in their spare time," says Peter Rose, a trend interpreter at Yankelovich Partners. "That figure has gone in the last year from 52% to 62%."
(Via Daddy Types, whose readers wonder when mowing the lawn became a family-togetherness-killing time suck.)
Friday, August 24, 2007
Punk At-Home Dad Releases New Album Tonight
File under: the stuff that at-home dads are doing when they're not hanging with the kids:
Barbera has always had that spirit. But it's only now, at age 39, that he's really living out his punk rock dreams. It only took him several careers, a family and a near-death experience to get here, to get a band called Chest Pains together. He sang in a high school punk band called Youth Terrorists. They recorded all their practices like Guided by Voices. But, after college, he moved to Los Angeles and started writing about music and culture for extreme sports magazines like Big Brother, Bikini and Magnet. He settled in North Carolina and freelanced for The Spectator, eventually becoming its music and managing editor, also running his zine Salt for Slugs.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
USA Today on SAHDs
About 159,000 men in the USA are full-time fathers, more than triple the number a decade ago, Census data show. "Just don't call them 'Mr. Mom.' They really don't like it," says Aaron Rochlen of the University of Texas-Austin. He spoke at a panel on cutting-edge research about fathers at the American Psychological Association meeting.
Update on CBS's Coverage of Dads Today
[UPDATE: CBS has the full segment online now.]
Brady Wants Paternity Leave?
New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady is seeking a timeout – for the birth of his first child with former girlfriend Bridget Moynahan.Tom Brady Wants Time Off for Baby's Birth - Bridget Moynahan, Tom Brady :
"I hope so," Brady, 30, said Monday, noting that he'll need the approval of coach Bill Belichick in the face of his team's upcoming busy schedule.
"Bill has a lot to say," Brady acknowledged, according to the Associated Press, "so we'll deal with it when it happens."
As for asking for personal time off, he said: "Certainly, a lot of people make sacrifices for their family, and I'm dealing with a certain situation, a very joyous, happy situation.
CBS: Hip Dads Are Great Consumers
Does your husband change diapers? If not, maybe a "manly" diaper bag will put him in the mood!
These days, Early Show contributor Amy Kean explained, there are plenty of products on the market for modern dads, to enable them to be be both hands-on, and hip!
How does this drive me nuts? Let me count the ways:
- "Does your husband change diapers ..." Guess who the story is aimed at. That's right. Not dads.
- " ... maybe a 'manly' diaper bag will put him in the mood!" This is just dumb. Men don't refuse to change diapers because they don't like diaper bags. They don't change diapers because there's a (dying) social stereotype that dads don't do diapers. I'm not sure this piece does anything to disabuse that notion.
- " ... plenty of products ..." Maybe this is just my anti-consumerism coming out, but I'm not sure that having more stuff to buy will make dads hip.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Fatherhood Redefined. Film at 8.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Convention Time!
Registration material is now online, including the registration form (only $60 if you sign up before Oct. 1), a sheet of general information and details on extra activities (mmmm ... bbq and beer).
If you've never attended, this is a can't-miss event and the best way out there to remind yourself that you're not alone as an at-home dad -- that there is a vibrant community of men out there who are absolutely committed to being the best possible fathers they can be.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
More Evidence that Dads are Really Important
“My study corroborates findings from previous research that a child is at increased risk of problem behaviors when the mother is depressed,” said Jen Jen Chang, Ph.D., assistant professor of community health in epidemiology at the Saint Louis University School of Public Health and principal investigator.Children of depressed moms do better when dad is involved, SLU researcher finds
“But once we factored in a father’s positive involvement, I observed that the adverse impact of the mother’s depression was attenuated. The father served as a buffer. He may have engaged with the children when the mother wasn’t available due to her illness.”
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Men Still Lag in Dealing With Sick Kids
Maume says his analysis of the data finds a large gender disparity in providing urgent child care, with 77.7 percent of women taking time off from work and 26.5 percent of men reporting that they attend to child-care needs (because the sample involved workers and not couples, the figures don’t add up to 100 percent).There's nothing in the release to compare the results with years past, so I can't tell if we're moving in the right direction or not. Obviously, I'm not impressed by snapshots that show inequality right now. What I'm always interested in is the trend ...
Working parents -- who puts family first when a child gets sick?
Friday, August 10, 2007
Kansas City, Here We Come (Look for Convention Updates Soon)
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Yes, Daddy Day Camp is Bad
Daddy Day Camp is "a camp for no ages," and ... "has an amazing amount of CGI -- Cuba Gooding Incompetence."ROTTEN TOMATOES: Daddy Day Camp: Almost Zero on the Tomatometer
"The screenplay is attributed to three writers. That means if the film's funny parts were divided evenly among them, they each wrote zero." ...
"Not quite as funny as a perforated ulcer."
Cross-Promotion Alert: Time Sinks
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Good News on FMLA
Last week, before Congress recessed for August (the "Summer District Work Period" is how it's described on the U.S. House of Representatives Calendar), the Senate approved an expansion of the Family and Medical Leave Act to allow the family of wounded military personnel to take up to six months of unpaid leave without losing their jobs. Current law -- the same that allows for unpaid maternity leave -- allows only 12 weeks. One of the more heart-wrenching back stories of the war has been families forced to choose between caring for injured veterans (often in military hospitals far from home) and keeping their jobs.Hope that makes it into law. And while I think it's a particularly good idea for military families, I don't see any huge downside to making this available to all. (Employers may now commence howling.)
Caregiver Discrimination
I'm now a tad late with this, but you really ought to read (if you haven't already) the New York Times Magazine piece from a week ago on the emerging law on caregiver discrimination, which not only profiles pretty extensively Rebeldad's second-favorite law professor in the world (Joan Williams), but also gives an elegant overview of where this particular hunk of law comes from and how it's changing the workforce.